
Level Description

1.0 For people that have just started playing Padel.

1.5 Players with very little experience, and have difficulty keeping the ball in play. Shots lack direction and control.

2.0 Players who feel more secure at the back of the court and avoid going to the net. They still have trouble returning the ball after a rebound off the wall.

2.5 The speed of the ball has improved. Returns are more consistent. Play is advancing more towards the net. Rebound shots off the walls are becoming easier.

3.0 The skill of this player is improving overall with more accurate shots and rebounds off the wall. The serve is good. Volleys are increasing at the net.

3.5 The player has control of the ball and shot accuracy is improving further. The ball speed is higher and better positioning on the court with their partner.

4.0 A more experienced Padel player who is consistent in the basic shots, forehand, backhand, volleys, serves, lob & smash. The more difficult shots are challenging. Good rebound play off the walls, good assessment of the opposition to place targeted shots.

4.5 A more aggressive player who is well positioned on court and effects winning shots. Still some errors are made with difficult shots that command power, but improving.

5.0 This player has managed to strengthen and enhance all of the above, rarely making mistakes. Good anticipation and intelligent structured shots. Awareness of when to take risks to win points.

5.5 Difference between levels is now getting minimal. The player is a point better prepared both physically and mentally.

6.0 A semi-professional competition player ranked outside the world’s top 100.

7.0 A professional player ranked inside the world’s top 100